Monday, November 10, 2014

What a weekend to fly!!!!! The kids and I went to stay at my parents for the balloon festival while Chris was at an EMS Conference.

On Saturday morning the weather reports were all saying it was going to be beautiful flying weather. When we arrived at the field it was a bit breezy. Our pilot and good friend Mike decided we would stay grounded that day. It was my turn to fly so I was feeling pretty bummed. We left and by the time we got back to Mom and Dad's there were seven balloons in the air. Our pilot never did fly but it made us question the decision until we heard that one balloon had gotten caught in a thermal. He had to let his balloon cool to get out and not go to high so when he came out he fell to the ground and hit so hard he ended up in the bottom of his basket (YIKES!!!!). He was OK thank goodness. We then felt good about the decision not to go up.

Sunday morning weather report didn't look so good for flying but hey the weather had defied the reports so far. It was a beautiful morning and WE GOT TO FLY! Yes it is hard to contain my excitement.

It was a gorgeous flight. We had a wonderful 45 minute flight then had a perfect stand up landing and since weather was holding my mom traded places with Chris (I picked him up the night before) and we went back up. It was another wonderful 20 minutes in the air.

The landing this time was a little rougher but was still better than some I have had in the past. Josiah got to get in the basket when we walked it to the trail to lay it down.
 He thought that was the most fun he has had in some time. Jeremiah was fascinated by the balloons and kept pointing at them and squealing. Cayleigh was much more reserved and was upset when Grandma took of in the balloon instead of staying with her.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Well it has been awhile! A lot has happened since we were unofficially matched in August. We have been jumping through the hoops and have been very thankful for God's provision in every step. We have had a few fundraisers including a couple yard sales, and two spaghetti dinners with silent auctions. With these fundraisers every fee we have had has been met. God has provided the amount we need. Never more never less.
After we put in our home study application it seemed our appliances decided to hiccup. The dishwasher pump decided it was done which we learned is a common thing to happen when you start your home study. When the repair man got here it decided to work great...go figure! Then our freezer decided it was done sealing but a defrost and it was working again. We are thankful they were both easy fixes.
It took several weeks to get a social worker but once the ball got rolling  the home study went very quick. We had a wonderful social worker. With the home study we were able to set up a sponsorship page on Reece's Rainbow. Which of course as I am learning when God calls you to something you will meet spiritual resistance and we did with this step also.
We are continuing to trust God and know that He will provide and it will be in His time. He has provided so far in everything and we know He will continue to provide. He has brought us to this and He will bring us through it.
Stay posted for more updates. I will try to do better but will admit up front I am a terrible blogger! Our home study is headed for state approval then it is immigration approval.