Well, another round of harvest is done. We had a pretty good millet harvest minus a few fields that were hailed on. We are now preparing for milo, corn, and pearl millet.
Towards the end of millet harvest we learned Jeremiah could not be in the fields. We thought he had a cold, sinus infection, or something of the sort but learned it was entirely allergies. He had a severe reaction to melons also. After a trip to an allergist we learned he is allergic to basically everything and has to be on a couple medicines to keep his symptoms under control.
We were beginning to wonder what was going on with getting a court date for our adoption. We were seeing people with timelines a couple weeks later than us with court and we still hadn't heard a thing. I already felt like I was being a pest emailing every couple weeks for an update but when I saw others with dates I amped it up. Today we got word that we have court October 27th. This means we should have our sweet girl home before Christmas if all goes well. She may even be home for her fourth birthday!
We are so excited to have the end in sight and be so close to bringing our daughter home. We are very close on our funding and believe we are less than $1000 from being fully funded. This number, however, may change depending on travel costs. The closer we get to the holidays the higher airline tickets get.
God Bless