Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fundraising is kicking up for us again. We are getting close to another fee being due. We have crocheted dish scrubbers 4 for $8. I am also making many personalized items. And the most fun for us is our mustache growing competition. We have several men in our family that are participating and for every $5 donated they grow their mustache a day in March. Just $155 each makes it so they must grow the entire month! Our FSP is growing slowly but surely. We greatly appreciate all of the support we have and are receiving both financially and in prayers!

We are still waiting on our background check and would appreciated prayers as we have everything else complete and are approaching our deadline. We expected it four weeks ago. Our agency has emailed the rest of our dossier to begin translation so that when we have the background check in hand and apostilled it is ready to be submitted to the MOJ.

Off of the adoption topic it has been just as crazy. A very dear gentleman from church passed away and we had his funeral last week, Chris was gone for a conference the beginning of the week, and now Jeremiah is not feeling well (I think he is teething). Chris also broke the foot on his prosthetic.

So, this week I am trying to put my focus on positive things otherwise I would be completely stressed out by now and losing my mind.

I have an amazing husband who finished the kids swing area. He welded them to the underside of our deck so we have no more worry of swing sets blowing over, I am a part of an amazing and supportive moms prayer group, had a wonderful time today with my older two kiddos making homemade bubblegum, and we are enjoying the warm weather and the chance to play outside.

God has blessed us abundantly and if we did not take the time to thank Him for these blessings we would lose faith and have a negative attitude. It is because of Him and His promises and blessings we can keep moving forward knowing He will never give us more than we can handle and will be with us as we continue through this adventure we call life.

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