Tuesday, March 8, 2016

You have seen my celebrations over the little things and you have done one of two things. You either celebrated with me or rolled your eyes. I understand either reaction. This is going to be another of those posts.

As a mom of a child with special needs I realize the importance of finding fun ways to provide therapy for a child. This can be a difficult and sometimes impossible task because of financing.

We have been looking at adaptive bikes to help Ciyana gain leg strength and improve her range of motion. Unfortunately the bike she needs is $7600. I don't know about you, but in our neck of the woods (or desert) that is a lot of money! Ciyana has been given the opportunity to win the bike she needs.

All we need from you are votes and donations to this amazing organization that is attempting to provide 600 special needs children with the bike that is adapted to their needs! Please visit the Great Bike Giveaway and give Ciyana a vote.

I can't wait to post pictures of her on her first bike ride, but that can only happen with your help!

God Bless

Here is the link a second time just in case the one above doesn't work and you need to copy and paste it. https://www.friendshipcircle.org/bikes/2016/02/ciyana-s/?s


  1. Aweee I missed this post. Did she win the bike? Prayers~

    1. Unfortunately, she did not. We have not given up on getting her one though. Thanks for the prayers!
